Face-to-Face Selling in the Post COVID Era

It’s coming. It might take months, but it’s coming and the time to prepare is right now. How will body language impact your sales efforts?

Date: April 1st 2021
Click below to sign up:
11:00am EST
Duration: 30 Minutes

April 1, 2021
11:00 am EST


How will body language impact your sales efforts?

‘It Could Be Awkward . . . But It Doesn’t Have To Be’

When we’re free to meet in public places because CDC restrictions have been relaxed or rescinded, it won’t be ‘business as usual.’

Some people you meet will wish to maintain social distancing restrictions.

Some people will want to hold onto some of the CDC recommendations.

And some people will act like they’ve been released from jail!

If working face-to-face with prospects and clients is essential to your business, the key will be having a strategy to establish their level of comfort and respect the needs of each one without being awkward or uncomfortable.

Bill Acheson’s Four-Step COVID Approach Protocol is a tool for working with others that lets you:

  • Take control of the meeting,
  • Determine their level of safety and comfort, and
  • Establish rapport

It’s quick. It’s easy. And It’s Effective.

Bill Acheson

Nonverbal Communication Expert

Bill taught at the University of Pittsburgh for over 20 years. As an expert in nonverbal communication, he has spoken to thousands of professionals about how to improve their skills.

Bill has worked with employees from such organizations as 3M, AIG, Bank of America, Bayer, GSK, Jackson, Lexus, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Trane, Wells Fargo, the US Coast Guard, and the National Football League.


This webinar identifies differences between meeting face-to-face and videoconferencing. The focus is on enhancing every aspect of your virtual presentation.

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